Tuesday, August 30, 2005

the two classes i'm taking this fall (statistics, and research methods in sociology) seem like they'll be alright. statistics isn't as intimidating as i thought it would be, and the prof for research methods is a really nice guy who looks like a younger, taller version of santa claus. say, santa at 55 (this dude is 64, but whatever. also, i have no idea how old santa should be...). he actually said he has no interest in failing anyone! i like to hear that. i have no interest in failing, either, but it's always nice to hear someone is on my side. nice santa man.

parking's going to be a bitch though. i can park in a metered space but there's a two-hour meter limit, and i'll be on campus for at least three hours twice a week. eh. i somehow managed not to get a ticket (yay!) even though my meter ran out half an hour before i got back to my car.

my doggies are chasing each other around the living room. it used to be cute (like, the first two times they did it) but now it's just annoying. they're loud. they make whiny barking noises. they step on my feet and aren't even sorry about it. man's best friend my ass.

ok, must stop typing now. law and order is on and i'm addicted.


Blogger sarah said...

heh. hijacking my blog again!

i'm considering the nyquil suggestion, especially after last night.

where'd you go to school, linda?

8:44 AM  

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