Sunday, May 07, 2006

the kitty that lives up to his name.

my sister's cat, the male cat that completely despises male human beings perhaps because he had never seen a dude before my sister adopted him--we have evidence of that, at least--has decided that the entire house is his litter box. this means any square inch of surface that isn't actually the litter box is fair game, and all the better if those square inches are located in the hallway directly outside my room. it appears he is not happy about my presence. i thought that not being a guy means i wouldn't be targeted, but no. i think kitty is also unhappy that i won't let him in my room, so he leaves gifts outside my door and totally hopes i'll slip in them and perhaps die so he can sneak past my lifeless body and into my room to pee in my closet some more.

this cat is a vengeful evildoer. perhaps this is payback for shannon naming him loki.

david, our landlord, left a rather lengthy letter for shannon earlier this week outlining the unacceptableness of loki's behavior (this after the cat peed on the kitchen counter) and the consequences of future injustices, starting with her having to pay a fine and ending with loki being exiled. i was on my sister's side for a day or so since i didn't think he was that bad and the letter was a bit harsh. turns out loki was just getting warmed up and we hadn't yet seen what he's truly capable of.

yesterday kitty did unspeakable things on the hallway carpet--not once, but twice--and i was all helpful and sisterly and pointed out the vile products of his kitty transgressions to shannon before anyone noticed. then kitty upped the ante. this morning i was greeted with four separate and completely disgusting, um, incidences in the hallway. right in front of the litter box! the cat is obviously angry. i woke shannon so she could clean it up because, really, i draw the line at having to clean up someone else's cat's shit, even if the someone else is my sister. and she was all, omg! and i was like, yeah, the cat needs to go somewhere far, far away. i think she's beginning to understand that cat deviance is not a good thing and subjecting her roommates to cat torture is pretty unacceptable. the vet hasn't found anything physically wrong with him, which seems to indicate he's just psychotic and must be destroyed* before he finds a way to get into my room.

*i mostly mean his kitty will, not him literally.


Blogger sarah said...

dude, i don't wanna ruin the mircowave.

10:27 AM  

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