Sunday, September 11, 2005

healthy competition?

alvin suggested we go to the mall this afternoon. i'm not sure what that is about--usually he avoids the mall, and most stores--but i decided not to ask. so we're going to the mall this afternoon. it has been raining all day, and the mall is generally pretty dry, so maybe that has something to do with it.

alvin also came up with an idea to have a competition to see who could burn more calories per week on our nordic track cross trainer thingie. this is good if only because he needs to exercise more. i'm not sure if this is a healthy competition or not. i burned 194 calories today, and he had burned 104, and then while i was in the shower he got back on the cross trainer and racked up another 192 calories. cheater.

i do have a distinct advantage over him since i have access to it during the day on weekdays and he does not. however, knowing him, he'll spend hours on it on the weekend and end up winning. i'm going to try not to let that happen.

we haven't yet come up with a prize for whoever burns the most calories. i'm not sure what i would want, anyway. a healthier husband would be nice, and i'm not just saying that because it sounds all sweet and like i care. i mean, i do care. andiwanthimtolookhot though i'm not supposed to say that. not that he's not; he's quite attractive. hotter is what i mean. ok, i'm done being superficial.

i am concerned about his health, though. we both need to be healthier, but there's only so much i can do to motivate him to eat better and exercise more. that's why i'm particularly excited about this competition. it's win-win, really.

oy, my arm hurts from playing too much speed.


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