Thursday, December 01, 2005

why i hate time warner, continued.

so time warner, in all their infinite wisdom, cancelled roadrunner along with our cable even after they told me they wouldn't do that. they said they're sorry (somehow i think not; this is the second time they've done this) and that they'll send someone out tomorrow to turn it back on. ha. i probably won't have an internet connection until next week sometime. what the hell did people do before tv and internet? what?!

tomorrow i'm getting a massage, because dealing with time warner was just too much. maybe that's what people did before cable--they got massages.

i'm at a coffee shop right now using the wifi since i'm unconnected (and very sad, being unconnected) at home. and the coffee shop i'm at? the one far from my home? alvin's ex girlfriend is here, too. the other coffee shop i avoid because she's always there? yeah, she's not there now. she's here. he's talking to her, which i don't really care about because at least he's not reading this rant over my shoulder as i type.

there had better be an extra good christmas present this year. that's all i'm saying.


Blogger sarah said...

thank you both. =) alas, if time warner goes away i'll have to revert to dial up. though at this point that's better than the NOTHING i currently have. (i'm at my sister's house now using her computer. i feel like an internet junkie.)

as for the ex...well, at least alvin recognized that i was traumatized last night after we left the coffee shop. because i sat at a table with her and him and one of her friends for about an hour (a long, long hour) while they talked. god, that was weird. and cause for trauma.

12:02 PM  

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