Thursday, July 06, 2006


i'm at the library, ostensibly writing the introduction to this super long group project paper (one of two) that is due in a couple weeks. i'm having trouble writing. the introduction. why can't i just blog for a grade instead?

i have this cookie i want to eat, but it's so freaking quiet in here that i'm hesitant to even try to open the wrapper because it's loud and it sounds like i'm opening a cookie. the library people finally decided that it's permissible for students to bring in drinks with them as long as the drinks have lids, but cookies are not okay. it's bad enough that i have to type in here. it's all echoy. and my stomach is making all kinds of loud and unacceptable gurgling noises.

also, i'm completely distracted by the sign next to me: DO NOT LEAVE LAPTOPS AND VALUABLES UNATTENDED AND AVAILABLE FOR THEFT!

i think it's the "available for theft" part that keeps drawing me in. i never thought of my belongings as being available to be taken--shouldn't it be clear that they're unavailable for the taking because they belong to me? i thought so. the girl a couple seats away took the top portion of her laptop with her (the monitor/keyboard) so the sad, empty laptop shell is sitting on her desk with some other stuff that is totally available but not worth thieving.

this is not unlike the parking permits that UT issues, the ones that hang from your review mirror and have printed on the back: REMOVE VALUABLES FROM CAR AND LOCK DOORS TO PREVENT THEFT.

it seems strange to me that we put the burden on people who have belongings not to let them be stolen. i understand why it's necessary, but locking your doors doesn't prevent theft. it merely deters it. that wording always bothered me.

okay, i need to quit procrastinating and find a way to covertly open and eat my cookie.


Blogger cchang said...

I would just eat the cookie. Loudly. Flash it around so others can drool and be jealous of said cookie. If you get caught, just look up wide eyed and go "what cookie?" It'll work because you already ate it.

11:17 AM  
Blogger Amy said...

I'm sure by now you've already eaten the cookie, but I find a nice coughing fit covers crinkling well.

2:34 PM  
Blogger cchang said...

Inquring minds want to know! ANd when are you gonna RSVP, woman?...taps foot.

8:12 PM  

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