Tuesday, June 20, 2006

my wife is an adolescent and other randomness.

the allergens (or cats, whatever) have taken over my room. munchie sneaks in here every chance he gets to sit on my lap--or on my laptop--and last night i found loki, who shannon let into the house and then neglected to watch to make sure he wasn't being his usual self, curled up asleep on my bed. he didn't pee on it (or the stove, or my piles of clothes, or any of the roommates) and he looked so happy that i let him sleep for awhile. by the time i kicked him out my sinsues were revolting, but i consider that my good deed for the day (see, i'm not completely heartless). and the munchie litter box problem either has been resolved since shannon changed his food last week, or my allergies are so bad that i can't smell anything. perhaps he's being a good cat and has quit peeing altogether. that would be ideal.

yesterday during class #2, also known as the most frustrating class in the world because the instructor is not providing any sort of instruction at all, instructor dude started talking about his wife. he said: "my wife is an adolescent..." and then he trailed off. he eventually finished the sentence with the word "counselor," thank god, but meanwhile he was quiet for so long that the entire class started laughing until many of us were crying, and he didn't get what was so funny. these professor types are seriously not understanding our particular brand of humor, and we frequently have to explain jokes to them. for some reason this makes us laugh more. we (and i speak for the class here) are mature like that. but at least we have a sense of humor.

i'm v. proud of myself: i have spent the past five days doing nothing but homework and reading and paper writing and working on projects, and this means that i'm not falling behind. school has become my life. go me.

not that i actually own anything really besides many pairs of shoes, but i get to move my stuff from my old house to my new house this weekend. i'm so looking forward to finally feeling like i have a place that is mine, like i'm not living in between houses and lives.


Blogger sarah said...

HRMS, yo. and then my life will be complete.

3:36 PM  

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