Thursday, June 15, 2006

hasta mañana.

this evening david and i had the bright idea to introduce one of shannon's cats (munchie, the lone indoor cat) to our friend ian's rabbit (fred, the misnamed female rabbit) that has taken up residence in david's closet while ian is out of town. this closet is the size of your average new york apartment, so lest it sound like the rabbit is trapped in some small, dark space, really it's not. david's closet is nicer than my bedroom.

we've made an effort to keep the cat and the rabbit away from each other so far, just because we didn't want to have to explain that oops, munchie clawed fred to death and ate her, so sorry. tonight's introduction didn't go very well--munchie was freaked out and while i was holding him mere inches away from his prey i could feel his little kitty heart start to pound. the rabbit was not amused; first it hid and then it started thumping. i don't have any rabbit experience aside from with my friend crystal's rabbits when i was in second grade, and the only thing i took away from that experience though i don't remember why: rabbits are mean, i should stay away from them.

but apparently rabbits thump when everything is not okay in their little rabbit world. like thumper in bambi. i don't remember why thumper thumped his foot, but fred did this a couple of times while the cat was staring at her (or stalking, perhaps) and it was hilarious. fred was obviously unhappy. she was like, that thing? and what is wrong with you people?!

we took munchie out of the room after the thumping started, with the expectation that we'll reunite them tomorrow and maybe they'll like each other then. now he's running around the house, doing the thing he does where he makes loud screamy cat noises and acts like he's possessed, ricocheting off furniture and whoever happens to be in his path. i think he's angry we denied him a rabbit.


Blogger sarah said...

the rabbit has gotten along fine with other cats before. ian had no problem with the two of them hanging out provided they didn't hate each other...we wanted to see if they would be okay together.

7:27 AM  

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