Friday, May 19, 2006

in keeping with the addiction theme.

i miss austin. i even miss austin drivers. i especially miss austin drivers, because they know all about how the big numbers on the speed limit sign correspond to the little numbers on the speedometer and what that means in practical terms when they're behind the wheel of a car.

i'll be home saturday, so all good.

at one point today i was hanging out with my parents and trying not to cry, so they tried to cheer me up by handing me a wad of cash and also replacing the tires on my car and then taking me out for a drink (they're kind of being really cool right now). i know, i know, i don't drink, but my parents apparently don't believe me every time i tell them that, so i had to explain yet again that no, really, i don't drink at all, and they were like, not ever? and i was all, no, not ever. and they were like, huh. as if we hadn't had this conversation a dozen times before. since i'm incredibly grateful that they bought me new tires i'm not reeely complaining, i'm only making an observation about the lack of attention they've paid to this same conversation we've had many times in the past and undoubtedly will continue to have in the future.

last week when i told someone i go to school with that i don't drink or smoke, her response was, so what do you DO? and i was like, fuck me i'm tired of answering this question and surely i'm not that freaking weird just beacause i don't DRINK so quit giving me that LOOK like i'm a freak. i feel like i need to have it tattooed on my forehead or something, perhaps followed by a list of activities i do engage in that don't involve alcohol just to prove that i'm still an interesting, fully functioning, and mostly sane human being in spite of the not drinking bit (even though, honestly, i'd like to drink kind of a lot). still, that line of questioning is becoming tedious.

next time someone asks what it is that i do i'm going to say: heroin. because alcohol? that is so last year.


Blogger sarah said...

oy, i don't like being spammed, yo.

not sure how that happened.

7:58 PM  
Blogger cchang said...

Yeah, i get weird spam too every now and then. Pisses me off because it's not a REAL comment, damnit.

Ya know, my parents are the same way. I keep telling my mom I hate peach, I don't like floral prints and I rarely carry a purse and yet she still gets me these things. I know she's being nice, but weird.

This would be a great opportunity to make up a crazy story about how you used to be a drunk and that you would beat the shit out of people whenever you'd even have one sip of a margarita.

I have a feeling most people drink alchohol solely to get drunk and not because they appreciate fine wine or exotic beers.

9:01 AM  
Blogger sarah said...

yeah, the people i've been hanging out with lately who are drinking are, i'm pretty sure, doing it to forget about problems. personal problems, school problems, social problems, etc.

it's a good time, because once they start drinking they start talking and that's when the extra juicy gossip starts.

10:15 AM  

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