Saturday, May 13, 2006

self pity & wallowing, etc.

the only time that it doesn't suck to be awake lately is between midnight and two or three in the morning, which is the only time of day i'm too tired to care that my life sucks. the downside is that i'm not sleeping enough. again. but at least i have a couple hours to look forward to in the middle of the night before i pass out from the sheer exhaustion of staying awake.

loki the demon cat peed on the stove this evening. shannon was supposed to take him to live at her boyfriend's apartment, but she's reneging on that promise since (she claims) his apartment is too nice for her cat to indiscriminately pee everywhere. i hope the cat doesn't run away because that? that would be so sad, especially if he never returned.

in the past three days, two separate people have decided that they don't want to see me for some unspecified amount of time because apparently i am the cause of much anguish. one i could handle, but two? ugh. my brain is pretty much refusing to process this information and has decided to go on strike, and honestly if i could just take a couple weeks off from me i'd so be on a sarah vacation with everyone else who can't deal with me. i really would.

good news: i fulfilled my civic obligation today by voting in the local election, and everything i was in favor of passed and everything i was against, well, was shot down. as it should be since i'm so obviously right about everything.


Blogger cchang said...

I think coffee and cheese cake is just as good as any vacation. Did they flat out tell you they needed time off or are they just ignoring you?

Frankly, I'd rather have someone be honest with me than just dissappear.

5:16 PM  

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