Wednesday, May 10, 2006

cheapening the blog experience one whiny post at a time.

pmsing again.

it's causing my gums to hurt, which is unfortunate since i went to the dentist this morning and they were all about inflicting pain yet again. the sonic cleaner thing they use works really well until they get to my wisdom teeth and the high-pitched frequency of the super sonicness becomes unbearably loud. dental hygienist woman was all, yeah, that's loud because i'm right near your ear canal. and i was like, so why don't you stop then since i keep wincing? and she was all, because i'm holding the sonic cleaner thing and you're not! and then the torture resumed. alas, my teeth are sparkly clean now.

i think my love affair with HGTV is over. because they're all about showing happy couples fixing up their houses, and i'm all about hating couples right now. even their commercials feature these sugary sweet happy people in home improvement stores and there's something about the fact that they're always, always wearing wedding rings that makes me want to scream. where are the home improvement project people who aren't married? like who are maybe just living together? sans stupid wedding rings? and are single people not allowed on HGTV? what gives?

/pms-inspired irrationality


Blogger cchang said...

What, are they implying that only married couples are worth getting their homes fixed up? I hate TV...

I'm sorry your gums hurt. That's weird. I've never had that as part of PMS, but do have tooth soreness from clenching. We still up for coffee today? I'm free after 2:00.

6:05 AM  
Blogger sarah said...

yes! exactly!

9:42 AM  

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