Tuesday, May 23, 2006

retail therapy, and then some.

i have been on a spending spree of late that i would feel bad about if i didn't actually need everything i've purchased. the weather got hot--so very hot--and i realized i lack the appropriate clothing for dealing with the god awful heat, and nothing fits anymore anyway which could only mean it's obviously time to buy new clothes. yesterday i bought pants that very cleverly convert to capris. today: shirts, shoes, therapy, a cookie, and a trip to victoria's secret, where i learned that my bras don't fit right lately because apparently the weight i've lost was subtracted straight from my boobs. an entire cup size is gone! that's like a handful! that's unacceptable! the one thing that has remained a constant in the past decade is my bra size and now that that's gone i don't know what to believe anymore. oh, the betrayal.

in other news, one of my roommates is on a mission to get me to drink, among other things. he just poured me a glass of wine even though i'm all i'm not going to drink it and he's like, drink it you need to chill out. point taken, but still. it's sitting next to me and under normal circumstances i would worry that the wine would go to waste, but i'm sure lush boy won't let that happen. he's resourceful like that. although: my ability to withstand peer pressure is seriously waning and if anyone can talk me into drinking or smoking anything, it likely will be the lush roommate.


Blogger cchang said...

I'm a wine snob. I bet the glass he poured you sucks. Use it for chicken marinade or something....

Did I tell you about how my boobs totally shrank after taking birth control pills and when I stopped they didn't come back. Oh! the cruelty. Anyhow, it's not size, but shape and perkiness that matters, so don't sweat it.

10:47 AM  
Blogger sarah said...

i can't imagine the wine was that good--it was a chardonnay that i picked up from the corner store across the street.

given that 1. it was convenience store wine, 2. i choose wine based on the prettiness of the bottle, and 3. lush boy isn't all that particular, i'm sure it wasn't the best or anywhere near it.

i'm afraid if the shrinking continues the shape and perkiness are going to go away, too. hmph.

12:36 PM  
Blogger cchang said...

Well they can't shink *that* much, I'd hope...oh wait, I was a C cup when I got married and now I'm like a prepubescent kid. Okay, I'm not being very encouraging...BTW, I should be free tomorrow for lunch or coffee if you're free.

2:11 PM  

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