Monday, September 26, 2005

el fin de semana.

you weird corporate people go to lunch a mere half hour after i get out of bed in the morning. what is up with that? who am i supposed to talk to while you're out eating your second meal of the day, and i'm still working on my first? hmph.

things from this weekend that were less fun than seeing kate and linda (the kate and linda lunch with french fries and presents and funness was very enjoyable):

*people definitely still park in my neighborhood despite the quaint "no event parking in neighborhood" signs. why do they bother with the signs? people just kicked them over and parked anyway.

*the beagle dog has thought of a new tactic for getting us up in the morning. perhaps he realized that howling wasn't working like it used to, so instead he's doing the one thing that requires us to get out of bed: vomiting on our bedroom floor.

he only does that on weekends. i'm seeing a pattern. i think this is payback for not walking him at 7 a.m.

*a friend of mine has a spiffy new scale that allows you to weigh yourself and check your body fat percentage. so i used it over the weekend. and according to the scale, i am obese. well, actually, according to the chart that came along with the scale, my body fat percentage is in the upper range of healthy. according to body fat percentage charts i found online, i am obese. these scales are not known for being all that accurate. but still. then there's the whole issue of BMI, which is different and causes further confusion, becuase my BMI is fine. the scale is evil and wants me to eat ice cream. that must be it, because that's what i ended up doing.

also, it took me two and a half hours to type this. and i wonder why it's taking me so long to write my statement of purpose.

which, btw, i will be done with tomorrow. or else.


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