Sunday, September 18, 2005

procrastination & crying. and a llama.

mostly fun ways to procrastinate:

1. visiting the snakefarm in san marcos. main attractions: huge ass pythons, very sweet looking baby monkey primate things, and a petting zoo with a llama. llama needed a bath but was nice anyway. i had my picture taken with it.

then i felt oh so dirty. this was not the llama's fault. personally, i blame the snakes and the abundance of dirt.

2. giving myself a pedicure.

3. washing dishes. by hand.

4. garden ridge pottery, HEB, and half-price books. wheee! candles! potpourri! food! books!

5. nordic track. my legs are starting to look quite nice. they're totally distracting me, they look so good. yes, i really am distracted by my own legs, and no, i'm normally not this, um, into myself.

6. making a tasty dinner that i didn't realize was incredibly unhealthy until i started adding up calories and grams of fat (2000 and about 100, respectively, but i really had no idea) per way-larger-than-normal serving size, and then taking alvin's plate out of his hands mid-bite because i was worried i was killing him. because 36 grams of trans fat=badness and then death. (it was a pot pie. i will never make one again. i know you--and you know who you are--don't like pot pie. now, thanks to mrs. smith and her pie crusts, neither do i.)

upsetting, albeit relevant, ways to procrastinate:

read various websites about how to write a statement of purpose that include the following advice:

Writing your admissions essays or Statement of Purpose (SoP) is a long and intensive process - ten to twelve drafts over a two-month period are fairly common...

whaaaa? two months? 12 drafts? are these people on crack?! i have about three days until i have to mail the stupid thing, and i've only written three pages once! and they're only sort of good pages!

in yay! for me, not so great for the rest of you news:

signs have been placed all through the zilker neighborhood stating that there is no ACL parking in the neighborhood, but that there is a shuttle that runs from (i assume parking at) an area downtown on 14th and, i think, trinity. i don't know if this is the first year they've explicity stated that parking here is not allowed; i hear that last year parking here was horrendous, so if this is not a new policy then that means it's not at all well enforced.

and the one person i know in the neighborhood who would be able to tell me whether this is a new policy decided to go on vacation for the next two weeks, partially in an attempt to avoid the ACL fest parking problem.


Blogger :) said...

What, no chickens?

7:14 AM  
Blogger sarah said...

linda, i think so. :) what does that involve? all should be well as long as i don't have to drive through ACL traffic--and streets are being blocked off, so i don't think that's an option, anyhow.

susan: you need a farm, and i want to come play with the animals!

7:53 AM  

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