Sunday, August 06, 2006

i <3 being alone. and tile, of course.

i still love having weekends to myself. i sleep in, watch movies, hang out at coffee shops, get together with friends, go shopping, and best of all no one complains about what i'm doing or how i'm doing it. this level of weekend contentedness reminds me of how i felt when i moved back to austin from NC: i would wake up every day and just be grateful to be back here. it's like that.

for awhile i envied alvin and his situation (er, girlfriend), but not so much anymore. alvin was telling me yesterday that he feels smothered because they hang out together all the time, and sometimes he wants to be alone but she's not okay with it. i tried to give him some advice because i feel bad for him--i mean, if i were in that situation i would feel claustrophobic right about now--but i also laughed a tiny bit. i reminded him that he can make his own choices and shouldn't let someone else choose how he spends all his free time. because it's true. that's something i'm learning, that i have control over my life. i hope he realizes that, too. relationships are all about trade offs, but it sounds like it's not necessarily worth the sacrifices he's making. alas, not my decision to make. wheee!

in other news that is potentially uninteresting if you're not as big a fan of tile as i am, i'm about to start a huge project that may be completely infeasible: a ceramic tiled headboard for my bed. i don't know whether to tile/mosaic an already existing wood headboard (which would require buying one), or if i should mount tiles on a surface like plywood and attach that to the wall. tile is heavy, so attaching something to the wall would require lots of supports and would be semi-permanent since i probably wouldn't want to take it down for awhile because it might leave lots of holes in the wall. and this isn't exactly my wall. i only rent it. i think david's pushing for the existing headboard approach so i don't completely ruin his wall. but i already have my pretty tile--now i need to decide what to do with it.

i've also got a book that i want to read before classes start that i hope will give me some idea about what i'm doing when i'm thrown into my field placement this fall. i'm not sure that reading this book will help but i'm pretending it will just to make myself feel better.


Blogger cchang said...

Oooh. A tiled headboard! That'll be neat. Do you have a design in mind?
Yes, being alone has great perks. I remember back when I was in school and i'd just go wandering around the drag on Saturday mornings window shopping, running into friends at coffee shops, taking the bus just to see where it went, etc. etc. It's nice to have that kind of freedom!

Heh, I'm laughing at the Alvin situation, but not as hard as I am laughing at my brother in law who just got some of his stuff stolen by his "girl-friend's" I'm assuming soon-to-be X husband. Ah drama.

5:49 PM  
Blogger sarah said...

wow. see, that makes MY situation look better. :)

10:12 PM  
Blogger cchang said...

Indeed. I'm also trying hard not to gloat about Lane's situation but ya know, he's been asking for it. I mean, he totally deserves it and then some.

11:30 AM  

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