Monday, August 07, 2006

i was hoping this wouldn't happen, but.

every so often i check the aquarium in shannon's room to make sure her snake is all snuggly in his cage (in being the imperative term) and tonight when i checked i was having trouble finding him. so i told shannon this and she was all, sure he's there! he's in his coconut!

the snake has half of a coconut shell he likes to curl up and sleep in. so far every time i've been like, dude, where's your snake? i don't see him! she's been right about him being in his coconut.

but not tonight. he wasn't in his coconut. and he wasn't in his water bowl. nor was he buried under the fluffy stuff that lines the bottom of his home. the snake had escaped.

four hours later, the snake is still missing. we've turned over and looked under every piece of furniture and clothing in the downstairs part of the house, and we can't find loomis. we think he's probably still in shannon's room because it's unlikely he could have made it past the cats, into other parts of the house, without them clawing him to death. like they tried to do the last time he escaped. he's non-venomous and doesn't have any way to protect himself. it doesn't help that the cats think he's a toy.

so, loomis has some basic snake needs: food (today was his feeding day but he got out before mealtime), water, to be kept warm, and not to die a kitty-induced death. and i have some basic human needs, like not waking up in the middle of the night to find a snake slithering across my body, and then promptly dying of a heart attack.


Blogger cchang said...

Oh I cats are so domesticated that if a bird were dying in front of them they'd look at it and go "that's not canned food!"

Look in cool dark places (like under the bed). I don't think snakes make all that great of pets, frankly. You can't snuggle with them! SUre, they're nice to look at, but once loose, who knows where they'll go.

Good luck finding Loomis!

6:24 AM  
Blogger sarah said...

yeah, that was why shannon got the cats: the snake wasn't cuddly enough.

we did look under beds, but he might have gotten up into the coils of the box springs where we can't see him.

i think shannon's going to try to lure him out of his hiding place with some mice (she's going to put them in a box in her room; they're his next meal).

i feel like i live on a freaking farm or something. except it's indoors.

9:44 AM  
Blogger cchang said...

At least snakes don't pee on things...wait now I'm wondering how they pee. i mean, I know they pee, but is it like birds where their pee and poop are mixed together. I'm so confused.

5:47 PM  
Blogger sarah said...

good question. i have no idea.

i'll find out and get back to you on that.

8:56 AM  

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