Thursday, October 27, 2005

mirrormask, dog poop, and screaming monkeys.

last night my sister and alvin and i went to see mirrormask, and we all enjoyed it very much. of course, having a fever the first time i saw it made it a tiny bit better because the pretty colors seemed more vibrant. last night, sans fever, i picked up on details i hadn't noticed the first time. i could write about them but i've totally forgotten what they were. alvin and shannon both liked the film as much as i hoped they would, which was good because i would have felt really dumb if they hadn't...considering i went on and on about how much they would like it.

but the other seven people besides us in the theatre--they didn't laugh. the dallas crowd was much more entertained. why weren't the austin people laughing?! where was their sense of humor? i actually snorted during one scene, which was pretty embarrassing considering that no one else was laughing. besides my sister. at me. for making pig noises.

i promise to stop talking about mirrormask now.

today i was driving through my neighborhood and saw this great hand-painted sign in someone's yard. it said:

Hello! Please don't let your dog poop in our yard anymore!

at first i thought perhaps they were referring to my dogs (don't ask) until i realized that we don't walk the dogs by that particular house. after the relief set in i was amused. that's one more thing i love about my neighborhood: people paint nice, cheery signs about dogs shitting in their yard. they're sweet like that.

in class today, the lecture was once again interrupted by shrieking coming from down the hall. followed by very loud yelling and more shrieking. when i say interrupted, i don't mean that the lecture stopped but that half of the class stopped paying attention for as long as it continued. i don't know what the hell is going on (angry monkeys? emotional group therapy sessions?), but it's rather disconcerting both that it happens and that it never phases the instructor. that frightens me. i keep expecting someone to go postal on us. wondering if i'm going to die really detracts from my ability to pay attention to numbers.

also, i heard today that frito girl broke up with her boyfriend. not having a boyfriend should give her carte blanche to get it on with the guy in class who couldn't open her frito bag that one time (and i didn't mean that to sound as nasty as it did). dude called her his "favorite note passer" last week. it was disgusting and cute all at the same time.

also also, i realized today that the people i'm competing with for a spot in the grad program i applied to--two of them are in my class. i tried not to listen as they talked about their relevant volunteer and work experience and their applications. it almost made me want to cry.


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