Tuesday, November 01, 2005

but it's ok because there were others.

i had another bizarre dream last night--alvin and i were on a train and we had a baby, and the one thing i remember about this baby is that it was cute, and then the train ran over the baby. the train conductor guy acted like he had no idea he'd run over my baby. and how did it get under the train, anyway? but in the dream it was ok, because i had LOTS of babies that looked just like the squished one. once i told conductor guy i knew what he'd done, he started the train again and i was relieved that we could finally go. i didn't want to just sit there while he pretended he didn't know what had happened. i was more upset about the train stopping than i was about my child. what's up with that?

i'm sure this is symbolic of something, somehow, but i have no idea what. i didn't actually have the kid so much as *poof*, suddenly i was holding it, and in my dream mind i was aware that i had also acquired lots of little exact replica babies (you know, in case of an accidental squishing). so maybe it wasn't really mine? i have no idea. it was disconcerting and i feel bad about it, even though i don't have any real reason to since i can't control what my brain does while i'm asleep.


Blogger sarah said...

i'm hoping there's no connection between my frequent baby dreams and pregnancy...if there is, i should have been pregnant several months ago. it's weird though--never had dreams like this before.

2:47 PM  

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