Sunday, December 18, 2005

what, me whine?

i just want to say that it's really annoying that i can feel when i'm ovulating, like right this very second. it's wrong and painful, too, but mostly it's annoying. and it hurts. did i mention that i'm bloated and feel cow-like? the bloatedness is here a week early and i think i caught it from susan.

in almost related news, cindy called me a whiner this morning. it was craft day (like yarn and bead craft, kate, not like witchcraft though i could totally get into playing with voodoo dolls) and we were sitting around doing our non-witchlike craft things after eating some tasty quiche, and that was when cindy stuck a camera in my face and i turned ugly because that's what happens when i get anywhere near a camera. i said as much and she said i'm such a whiner, which she said she meant in a nice way, of course, but still. (cindy did make up for calling me mean names by making a very cool ring for me, though. later when i'm not so lazy i'll post a picture of it. it's lovely.)

so craft day was fun, ovulating i'm not enjoying so much, and then this evening--which i was supposed to spend zoned out in front of the tv since that's what sunday nights are for--was ruined by two separate but equally powerful entities: ABC and our president. first ABC decided that they would air a rerun of desperate housewives (not cool), but before the stupid rerun came on the president co-opted all the networks and said that we would continue to capture and kill terrorists in the oops!-we-didn't-realize-it-would-be-so-difficult (stupid stupid stupid) war in iraq that we should support because we need to win. that's what i heard him say, anyway. after his speech that--again--made me want to throw even larger things at the tv this time, desperate housewives started. at that point life wasn't so bad because after desperate housewives is grey's anatomy and i thought if i could just hold out for an hour i could watch grey's anatomy but dammit if that wasn't a rerun that i'd already seen, too. see how hard my life is?! i mean, really.

after many tv-related disappointments i decided i would turn off the tv and go to the grocery store because, you know, i didn't want to break the cycle of sunday night suckiness. grocery shopping turned out to be very fruitful, not because we got any food but because we bought an atari flashback2 game console. wheee! this is the second atari we've had in the past year but this one is way funner* because it has 40! games on it. sadly, not one of those games is frogger. sigh. however, alvin's playing asteroids right now, and it's completely reminiscent of the last atari we had where he played asteroids for so many hours in a row i finally had to pry the controller out of his hands and give the atari to my sister for safe keeping. (alvin's got an 8 am meeting tomorrow. i have a feeling that tomorrow is going to hurt.)

*i know funner is not a real word, but it's much funner to say than more fun.


Blogger cchang said...

:( I didn't realize calling you a "whiner" bugged you that much. *hugs* Anyhow, I sincerely apologize. It was affectionate, believe me. Seriously though, I have yet to take or see an ugly pic of you, so I'm not sure what the issue is.

I have to agree with swordspoint and say that perhaps witchcraft would be more useful. That way, Ms. Akiyama would actually bring something for a change and be on time for once. LOL. Ya know, Monica is wiccan...

9:09 AM  
Blogger sarah said...

calling me a whiner didn't bug me that much, it's just that i blog about these things. it's my warped sense of humor! read the email i sent you! =)

we should tap into monica's obviously underused wiccan resources. (they must be underused if we're not using them.)

9:50 AM  
Blogger cchang said...

I think they're just not well developed yet. Otherwise, she would have been able to ward off the Evil Lady In Red. Hee hee.

10:39 AM  
Blogger sarah said...

i'm glad to hear that, and i know exactly what you mean.

2:26 PM  

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