Sunday, January 15, 2006

kill your television.

alvin's been sick since late last week or is perhaps pretending to be sick so i'll be extra nice, i can't tell. he does this thing where he acts completely well until i ask how he's feeling and then he's like, cough cough, i don't feel so good can you get me another glass of water and why's it so cold in here sniff? i think this means alvin is being himself, so he's probably fine.

but since he claims not to feel good we rented a couple of dvds to watch over the weekend--the 40-year-old virgin and the chumscrubber. the 40-year-old virgin was surprisingly good...i'm not so sure about the chumscrubber, which made me feel disturbed and like ever having children would be dooming them to a life of miserable failure and it would be my fault. also, like i should never move to the suburbs. i'm not sure if i can actually like something that made me feel so dirty, and not even in a GOOD way, but the apocalyptic suburban don't live like this message wasn't lost on me. and if i were ever as dense as the parents in that movie i would just go ahead and just kill myself, thanks. or maybe move to the inner city. maybe that would help. and if not, then kill myself.

i watched two or three other movies but i'm going to stop there lest i sound like a tv slut, which i'm trying not to be and really truly wouldn't be if somebody would for the love of god turn off my cable already. a certain cable company needs to take nike's advice and just fucking do it.


Blogger cchang said...

Ya know, I watched to Golden Globes last night. I ain't proud.

I hope Alvin feels better soon. It was fun hanging out with you yesterday!

6:21 AM  
Blogger sarah said...

yeah, i had fun too!

i watched the last half hour of the golden globes, so don't feel bad...

7:51 AM  
Blogger cchang said...

It dawned onto me that you left your DVD at my place...not that you haven't seen all the highlights already. I mean, Trent singing SICNH in the middle of a salt marsh with birds squawking. Heh. Can't beat that.

9:03 AM  
Blogger sarah said...

i thought i was forgetting something when i left your house; didn't realize what it was until later.

i still say the birds are just accompanying vocals to trent's singing.

i wonder if he realizes that his fan club is all about the mockery these days. :)

5:05 PM  

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