Tuesday, December 20, 2005

city services are a beautiful thing. forgetting to take advantage of them: not so pretty.

garbage day in my neighborhood is every tuesday morning, without fail, somewhere between 7 and 9 in the morning. so i know when this happens. it's a loud, weekly event, and sometimes one that i watch from the window because the garbage trucks have this cool mechanical arm thing that picks up the garbage can, empties it, and sets it down! i love the mechanical arm (if you wonder why i'm so impressed with the arm, read below about how there were no arms, or garbage trucks even, in north carolina).

despite the recurringness of this event, alvin and i remember to put our garbage can & recycling bins out by the curb only about half the time. today was not one of those days. this kind of sucks because last week and the week before that we also forgot to put out our recyling bins so now they're overflowing. also, this is entirely our fault. there's no one else to blame.

the current trash situation isn't nearly as dire as it was in north carolina, where we had no garbage collection service because we lived outside the city limits. we had a dsl connection but no means to get rid of our nastyass trash. because that makes sense. instead, we had to drive our bags of trash to the garbage dumping place. do you know how awful it is to chauffeur around trash bags on a steamy summer day? we drove with the windows open, and i remember it sucking extra when we had to stop at traffic lights because then the air flow stopped and we nearly passed out from the stench of our own garbage. even then, though, we were amused by the absurdity of the situation. in between gagging and screaming and generally being repulsed, we laughed a tiny little bit about how funny this story would be once we lived...elsewhere. dealing with garbage is much more tolerable now that it doesn't require the level of intimacy to dispose of it that it used to, but now alvin and i are the problem. we watch the garbage truck drive by our empty curb a couple times a month and we're like, yeah, we suck.


Blogger sarah said...

alphabetizing the fridge is a new one--don't think i've ever heard of that. =)

i had a roommate in college who insisted that the toilet paper should roll from the top. we argued about it (but not for very long because it was a stupid argument to have). we also argued about how to load the dishwasher. i finally gave up and did it her way.

9:36 AM  
Blogger sarah said...

heh. i knew you'd guess. it was corie.

11:36 AM  

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