Thursday, March 30, 2006

thou shalt not blog while hungry.

i've been sitting in a coffee shop for the past three hours working on writing paper #1 of, like, 83 that are due in the next four weeks, and i'm getting kind of hungry (ok, really, i'm starving). i had breakfast here, i'm about to have lunch here, and i'm hoping like hell i won't be here long enough to also eat dinner. so while i'm sitting here starving this cute, thin woman in coordinated clothing came in for lunch and i'm watching her eat a (v. small) salad and drink a latte, and i can't help but wonder how people get away with only eating salad for a meal. i mean, how does crunchy water constitute nutrition? how does your stomach not retaliate by eating itself after it realizes that you tricked it by feeding it rabbit food? mine totally doesn't fall for that.

i get hungry about 15 minutes after eating (only) salad. of course, i get hungry every fifteen minutes anyway so maybe it's just me, but i can't help but think that salad woman is probably able to coordinate her outfits--a skill i'm seriously lacking--precisely because of the salad eating. i think i would magically dress better if i ate more salads, only i know that thought is completely illogical and must be a symptom of the ravenous hunger.

oh, wait. salad woman is now eating chocolate cookies. heh.


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