Wednesday, December 27, 2006

2006 recap.

borrowed from amy, here is the first sentence of each month's first post from 2006. this seems representative of the bizarreness that has been my life this year:

houston: wasn't so bad.

kate-berry asked nicely that i update my blog with a new post and a title that doesn't include any references to body part inspired rope art.

this morning on the today show--or good morning america, i'm not sure--there was much anticipation about the academy awards.

because my life this past week has been overly complicated (that sounds needlessly dramatic! i like it!), and because i'm procrastinating writing this paper that's due wednesday and is 25 percent of my grade but that i still haven't really started yet, i'm going to not talk about those things and instead tell a story about beagle dog.

i like that dooce likes shoes as much as the rest of us.

give a man a match, and he'll be warm for a minute, but set him on fire, and he'll be warm for the rest of his life.

i've tried several times this past week to call alvin and see how he's doing, but he hasn't answered his phone.

i'm still around; i just haven't had much to say lately.

it's been almost a month.

i've had issues with friends* in the past--or, rather, they've had issues with me--where i fell out of touch with them for a while and then got back in touch and we had to catch up on however many weeks/months/years it had been since we last talked...which is difficult, obviously, because it's much easier to keep someone updated on how your life is going on a daily basis than on a monthly or yearly one.

*i'm not referring to you.

i've had this annoying problem with receiving text messages on my cell phone for the past six months--someone sends me a text and sometimes i get it, sometimes i don't.

tuesday is the last day of class.

things i learned about myself via my blog: my first post of the month tends to be on the third of each month, and i write excessively long sentences. also, it's been an interesting year.

Saturday, December 16, 2006

shopping, yay!

so, thanks to all the rallying, soccersusan now has a blog. now you people just need to convince her to update it like you did with me back in the day. notice how telling me i need a new post isn't working so much anymore? sorry about that. now that i have free time, posts should be more forthcoming. i'm hoping that if i stick to my end of the posting bargain, runnersusan will create a new masthead for me.

i'm all done with school for the semester and am so happy that i don't have to be back in class or jail for a month. wheee! i need some time off. i have books to read and people to see and, most importantly, shopping to do. soccersusan and i are going christmas shopping tomorrow. we're also going to look at the christmas light spectacle on 37th street and then we're perhaps going to the blue genie art bazaar, though she doesn't know it yet.

okay, now she does.

it's going to be awesome.

Saturday, December 09, 2006

problem solved. all of them.

classes are over (yay!) and i'm supposed to be writing the remaining eight pages of my final final 16-page paper for this semester, so i thought it was time for an update instead. i totally half-assed my presentation i gave last week, but that's okay because the instructor wasn't paying attention anyway. i know because i watched her grade papers during my presentation. it was awesome. also, much lower stress than if she had actually cared. no matter, it's over now and i can sleep soon.

nothing much else going on. prison hasn't changed much. i'm überexcited about the semester being over because i'm freaking burnt out and need a break. yep, that's about all there is to say about school and work.

ex-husband news: he had to get a lawyer to work out the legal part of the house stuff, because the part in our divorce decree that said he gets the house? that's not actually enough for him to get the house. i don't really understand what all has to happen in order for the title and mortgage people to take my name off of the title and our loans--all i know is that i have to sign papers soon, and then i should be house-free. that will be good. that's our last lingering tie and it needs to go away soon.

i informed hot new girl that i have a blog in which i call her hot new girl, and she informed me that i need a new name for her. so, i was thinking about just "hot girl" but that doesn't sound quite right, and i suggested "hot old girl" but she didn't like that so much because it makes her sound old and there's no way she's old since she's 12 days older than i am, and i know i'm not old. i suppose i could just call her by her name: susan. not to be confused with runnersusan.

i think i'll call her soccersusan.

so. all is well with soccersusan. we're annoyingly happy. it's disgusting. i love it. also, #3 on this list? i'm so there. bet you didn't want to hear that. sorry.*

*not really, though there are some things i shouldn't say on here. that ususally doesn't stop me.

Monday, December 04, 2006

so tired.

tuesday is the last day of class. one more presentation, one more sixteen page paper to write by next monday (wheee!), several prisoners to play with in the next week, and then i'm done until january. this is good, because complete exhaustion and total overwhelmedness hit a few hours ago while i was working on my presentation and oh my god i'm tired. i can't remember being this tired since i don't know when.

hot new girl is still hot and is now on my list of favorite people. anyone who gets up before dawn to make coffee for me *and* cooks me dinner two nights in a row is totally on that list. she's also putting music on my ipod so i'll use it, which is the sweetest thing ever. it's really good to have someone in my life who counteracts my slothiness. and has tattoos. and is hot hot hot.

i need to post more after the semester is over. it makes me sad that my blog is so neglected.