*school is kicking my ass this summer. i love love love one of my classes and am lukewarm about the other so far, but even so this semester is starting off so much better than last. talking in class has become easier now that i'm in class with primarily my own cohort. this semester is tons more engaging and there's plenty of eye candy, which i know is not why i'm in skool (or is it...?) but it's still a nice perk.
*the cat situation has been only partially resolved. bad cat is permanently exiled to the outdoors, and cute and cuddly cat whose pee smells like death is still inside, which is still problematic. i think he's eventually going outside since shannon sort of promised, even though that kind of means close to nothing. in the meantime we'll all have died from asphyxiation.
*i realized today i have become
that roommate, the one i always disliked beacuse they eat everyone else's food. i don't have any good reason to do this since i buy my own food (mostly), it's just that the food that is not mine looks so much tastier. like the strawberries my sister bought. oh my god. these strawberries are gigantic, and pretty, and most of all they were calling to me. they were, i think, the best strawberries i've ever eaten. also, her avocados. i think she's becoming annoyed that food keeps disappearing, but i can't let this food go to waste. i can't not eat avocados. she needs not to buy such good food if she doesn't want it to disappear. obviously.
*i continue to feel like i'm living in this strange, bad dream-like state, where my life is not my own. i mean, it is my own, but it's more like a blurry, watered down rendition of the life i used to have. i feel like i'm living two lives: the one i'm currently in that involves school and friends, which strangely overlaps with my old life that i step into when i see alvin. it's a life i don't have anymore, one that i'm trying to figure out if i want back and whether or not i can resume. it's bizarre and complicated and, most of all, confusing, very much like a bad dream that i desperately want to wake up from.