the southpark genii and other randomness.
*wednesday night i watched the.most.offensive episode of southpark that i've ever seen--it was the christmas special about the cuddly little forest animals that turn out to be satanites and are spawning the antichrist, with stan's completely unintentional help. stan kills the mountain lion that could have saved the world but then the dead mountain lion's cubs learn to perform abortions by hanging out at the abortion clinic, and after the spawn of satan antichrist is born and it enters kyle the heathen's body, santa blows the heads off the cute cuddly satanic animals and the cubs save the day by performing an abortion on kyle and pulling the antichrist out of his ass! and everyone lived happily ever after, except for kyle who died two weeks later of aids.
i'm sure i'm leaving out some plot device that, at the time, caused me to gasp! and say OH MY GOD they didn't just say that. matt and trey (because we're on a first name basis) always manage to outdo their previous most offensive episode ever, which i find highly entertaining because i'm easily amused by gross things and it's always fun to guess what newly offensive thing they'll say next. i love that they think of things that i would never, ever think of, and then they put those things on tv and don't get sued. that makes me happy.
*i thought about making a magical fantasy wish list like susan & linda did, but i think i've determined that what i most want is a group of sarah-servants. not that i'm normally down with the servant thing, because i'm not, but this is my magical fantasy wish list wheee! every winter my skin gets dry and itchy and i spend a lot of time scratching, and last night while lying (laying?) in bed trying to reach the itchy parts of my back, i told alvin that what i would reeeely like is my very own person dedicated to scratching me when i'm itchy. after i thought about how nice it would be to have my own scratching person, i decided i would also like other servants to do the following: wash my hair, give me manicures and pedicures, feed me grapes, and make sure my clothes match before i get dressed (among other things). basically i want several mommies.
*i never knew how useful blogger could be until today when i got a(nother) bill from time warner saying that yay! we owe them lots of money for the stupid fucking cable that i cancelled two weeks ago for the third time in the past month! alvin asked when the last time i called them was, and i had no idea but was able to look up my many, bitchy tw blog posts and figure out the exact date. blogger=useful. bitching about tw? more useful than i realized at the time even though i'm sure everyone is super tired of hearing about it.